AppSumo Agiled is a comprehensive project management software that integrates essential tools and features to help businesses of all sizes stay organized and boost productivity. Whether you’re a freelancer, entrepreneur, or part of a larger team, Agiled brings together the functionalities you need to plan, execute, and monitor projects effectively.

Project Planning Made Easy: With Agiled, you can effortlessly create and manage projects with intuitive project planning tools. Break down tasks, set milestones, and allocate resources to ensure a smooth project workflow.

Task Management: Stay on top of your tasks with Agiled’s task management feature. Assign tasks, set deadlines, and monitor progress in real-time to ensure timely completion.

Time Tracking and Reporting: Keep track of the time spent on tasks and projects with built-in time tracking tools. Generate detailed reports to analyze performance and make informed decisions.

Invoicing and Billing: Simplify your billing process with Agiled’s invoicing feature. Create professional invoices and seamlessly manage payments, making it easier to get paid for your hard work.

Team Collaboration: Enhance teamwork and communication with Agiled’s collaborative features. Invite team members, share files, and communicate within the platform for seamless project collaboration.

Client Portal: Provide your clients with a personalized portal to access project updates, invoices, and important documents, fostering transparency and client satisfaction.

CRM (Customer Relationship Management): Manage your client relationships efficiently with Agiled’s built-in CRM tool. Keep track of client information, communication history, and project details in one place.

Integration and Scalability: Agiled seamlessly integrates with popular tools like Slack, Google Drive, and Stripe, enhancing its capabilities and adaptability to your existing workflow.