
For a LIMITED TIME, get it for FREE. The only requirement is that you subscribe to the newsletter (even if you uncheck the newsletter check you will be subscribed).This offer expires on February 1st, so hurry up!

Requirements: Windows PC 64 bits native formats: Stand Alone App, VST2 and VST3.

Complete List Of Features:

8 Tracks + 1 Accent Track;
64 steps + double steps for a total of 128 steps (using the ABCD variations);
64 patterns with N loop and Next Pattern option (plus a go-to-previous-pattern option);
8 Outputs (each track can select which output to use);
A B C D Variations;
Mirror Editing – allows all 4 ABCD variations to be edited once;
Each track can load multiple audio sounds (wav, flac, ogg, mp3, WusikSound) with speed (pitch) and reverse option. Plus volume, pan, attack and decay;
Sounds can be triggered together or in Round Robin (circular) or Random (with a special code that doesn’t play the same sound in a row);
When loading multiple sounds, you can adjust individually the Volume and Pan of each sound, plus Velocity Low and High;
MIDI Output selection per track (if your host/daw supports it) with note selection;
Includes a great selection of sound files;
Clock Matrix allows swing to be added to the sequencer clock;
Multiple Sync options and Remote Pattern Selections;
Resizeable interface with window or fullscreen mode;
Advanced multi-sound playback options (check the video below).